From Cooking To Con-Calls? Hairstyles for WFH

Pauline, a content creator for a beauty company, used to get anxious about conference calls with her boss. “Admittedly, what I look like at work isn’t what I look like at home. But having to do the whole nine-yard hair and make-up routine for a 10-minute call just isn’t worth the time.” Still, she says though “not looking as presentable is out of the question, especially in my profession” adding “it definitely eats into my confidence, preventing me to chime in on team discussions.”
Does this scenario sound familiar? With more and more people choosing to work from home, the option for conference calls is becoming the more convenient way to stay connected with your team - (and we have a feeling it’s going to be a preferred option for most after experiencing it through this quarantine!). But, if like Pauline the option to turn off video calls is out of the question, then we hope these quick gorgeous hairstyles for conference calls will help give you the confidence you need.
High Ponytail 
High ponies are great not only to cover up the mess in the back corner of your home. It is also an easy style to achieve. Add your favorite hair oil to keep it looking sleek even when the pressure is on. 
Source: Youtube/Kayley Melissa
Silk Bandana 
Hard at work from cleaning the house to answering conference calls? This look gives off a casual elegance that adds some style with whatever you are doing. Make sure to add some texturizing spray to your lengths so that the bandana holds on more securely.
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Source: Youtube / Valeria Liposvetsky
Gibson Tuck
For a more formal situation like a conference call presentation, this power style will surely lend confidence. Although this may take a little longer than 10 minutes to master, it is worth it. Make sure your lengths are strong enough not to get easily pulled on when tucking in your hair. Set them in place with a multipurpose nourishing leave-on treatment.
Source: Pinterest / BlinkBeauty
Extreme Sidepart Clips 
Running low on time, hairclips are a lifesaver. If you’ve got a few lying around (our favorite are the jewel encrusted ones) clip on as many as you’d like on an extreme side-parted hair. It’s stylish in a snap! A gel or hairspray would also help smoothen and keep those loose strands and baby hairs in place. 
Source: Youtube / Luxy Hair
Tousled Top-knot
Nothing says I’m working hard and in the zone then a styling tousled top-knot. Tease a high half-pony and once you’ve gotten the desired heft bring them together with an elastic band. Great for short or long hair, it definitely says “I’m working hard.”
Source:  Chancy Cone
There you go, one less thing to worry about with everything going on. With these styles on hand, you can get a conference call ready in a beat, so you never have to let a strand crowd your confidence. 

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