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Dyson Purifier Cool™ Formaldehyde Air Purifier Fan TP09 - White/Gold

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₱ 45,900
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₱ 45,900
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Captures dust, allergens and up to 99.9% of viruses(1), such as COVID-19 virus(2).
Detects and destroys formaldehyde, continuously(3).

Removes 99.95% of ultrafine particles and up to 97% of common household odours.

Our latest purifier detects and destroys formaldehyde, continuously
It combines a precise solid-state formaldehyde sensor with a unique catalytic filter that continuously destroys formaldehyde. HEPA H13 and activated carbon filters also capture dust, allergens, gases and other ultrafine pollutants. And Dyson purifiers have powerful Air Multiplier™ technology to purify the whole room.

Formaldehyde can release for years. Dyson purifiers destroy it continuously.
Formaldehyde is one of the most common indoor pollutants. It can emit for years from furniture, flooring and even bedding.

Intelligent purification, controlled by app or voice
Control and monitor air quality from anywhere with the Dyson Link app(4), or hands-free with compatible voice services.(5)

(1)Dyson purifiers were challenged with airborne influenza A (H1N1 virus) and MS2 bacteriophage at an independent lab, using a 30 m3 chamber for 60 minutes at maximum fan speed. Real-life efficacy may vary.
(2)Dyson purifiers were challenged with airborne SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) at an independent lab, using a 0.37 m3 chamber for 90 seconds. Dyson Purifiers were also challenged with Phi-6 bacteriophage (a surrogate to test SARS-CoV-2) at independent labs, using a 30 m3 chamber. After 90 minutes at maximum fan speed, the airborne concentration in the chamber was reduced by 99.9 %. Real-life efficacy may vary.
(3)Third party full machine testing based on GB/T 18801-2015 formaldehyde cumulative clean mass testing with continuous injection until plateau of formaldehyde CADR is achieved. Results may vary in practice.
(4)Requires device to run app, Wi-Fi or mobile data, Bluetooth 4.0 support, and iOS version 10 or Android version 5 (or above). Standard data and messaging rates may apply.
(5)Refer to the Dyson Link app for compatible voice services.
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