Your hair holds your history with every inch a chapter. Imagine the stories it would tell, from the changes you've made to the colors you've explored. As your mane authority we want to celebrate you and your hair by getting to know your hair history better. So share with us #YourHairStory and get a chance to win a Lakmé Chroma Home Color Kit, the superb ammonia-free professional home hair color.
If you're looking to help your loved ones overcome their hair struggles, you can take inspiration from this new list of holiday gift ideas to find the perfect gift to help them achieve their dream mane.
Discover tips and insights from hair educator and trainer Isabel Cortez as she shares how to choose flattering hairstyles that can suit your face shape.
Take inspiration from some of the mesmerizing hairstyles that were spotted at the ABS-CBN Ball's grand return and discover which looks you would like to recreate yourself.
Discover how to take strong and long-lasting care of your balayage with expert tips from Nicole Santos or "Your Hair Mama", a celebrity stylist and a licensed cosmetologist from California.
Learn more about Hair Theory here. This TikTok trend emphasizes the powerful impact our hair has on how we present ourselves and how others perceive us. It serves as a reminder of the importance of self-expression and how small hair actions, such as tucking strands behind our ears or styling our hair, can make a difference.
Discover the power of Zinc Pyrithione in combating dandruff. HairMNL offers professional-grade Zinc Pyrithione anti-dandruff treatments, providing potent solutions for a healthier, flake-free scalp.
Ready to break free from hair color disappointments and embrace a stunning transformation? We have the solution you've been searching for! Our expert team is here to guide you on an exciting journey towards finding the perfect hair color that reflects your unique style and personality.
Recognizing and managing your scalp type is an important step toward better hair and a healthy scalp environment. You can nurture your scalp's health and ensure that your hair remains vibrant, strong, and free of typical scalp-related concerns by including scalp-specific techniques and products into your hair care regimen.
You’ve probably seen the words “Butterfly Haircut” come up more than once on your social media feed, but what is this haircut exactly and why do many people seem to fall head over heels with these trendy tresses? Read more to find out about this look!